Sunday, September 19, 2010

Europe Recap: London

Day 1 - London
Our European adventure began in London. We landed really early in the morning so decided to walk around the city for a while until our hostel would allow up to checkin. We had 5 hours!! We traveled to Hyde Park, walked around for a while, rested, snacked, laid down in the grass and enjoyed the nice weather. We also made some quick stops at Picadilly Arcade (pictured below), and Westminster Abbey. Finally it was time for a long nap. We slept, ate and relaxed before our next to giant days of running around London.

Day 2 - London
We woke up really early and scouted out a place in front of Buckingham Palace to watch the changing of the guard. Its a big parade basically, with men in funny uniforms, marching bands, loads of people, and police on horses.

Our next stop was Westminster Abbey. We toured the church and saw the graves of famous dead people including Charles Darwin, Louis Carroll, and Isaac Newton. Once leaving the church we decided to simply walk around all of London! We walked through Picadilly Circus, Covent Garden (a large market with street performers, stores and lots of food), and lots of other places I cant quite remember the names of. We did stop for fish and chips and of course a few glasses of beer. So European.

Our last full day in London was full of more walking and seeing the sights. We traveled to St. Pauls Cathedral and walked to the top to see this great view of all of London:

Afterwards we toured Tower of London, walked the bridge, and then took the long walk on the other side of the water to see London Bridge, Millennium Bridge, Gabriel's Warf, Globe Theatre, and Tate Modern before heading home for food and sleep.

Next we were off to Brugge!

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